Zimbabwe Population

Zimbabwe’s population is increasing. However, the growth has been slower than expected. The country has become a major source of refugees, especially from Europe. However, there is a lot of unrest and a lingering lack of stability in the country. Moreover, the current economic situation of Zimbabwe is not as stable as it was before. It has a high rate of illiteracy, which exacerbates the problem.
As of March 2013, the population of Zimbabwe is approximately 4.6 million. This country has dramatic landscapes and diverse wildlife, much of which is protected in national parks. The Victoria Falls, with its 108-meter drop, is a natural wonder and a popular destination for bungee jumping and white-water rafting. The Matusadona and Mana Pools national parks have rhinos, hippos, and birdlife.
Life expectancy
The country of Zimbabwe is a landlocked one in southern Africa. It is known for its dramatic landscape, diverse wildlife, and protected areas. The country is home to the Victoria Falls, which plunges 108 meters. White-water rafting and bungee jumping are popular here. Visitors to Zimbabwe may also visit Matusadona and Mana Pools national parks to view hippos, rhinos, and other animals.
Fertility rate
There are several factors contributing to the low fertility rate of the Zimbabwean population. In the 1960s, fertility rates reached seven children per woman. After independence, they began to drop fast. They were only five children per woman in the early 1990s and three children per woman by the 2002 census. The drop in fertility is attributed to measures taken after independence to increase education and health care, as well as to the development of a wide primary health care network.
The country’s immigration statistics are inconsistent and often inaccurate. While the country is a transit point for migrants to South Africa, not all migrants are registered and some give false information. However, there is a significant influx of people each year. In recent years, migration from Zimbabwe has been increasing at a rapid pace. Let’s examine some of the main reasons for this migration. In Zimbabwe, the emigrants are mostly highly educated and skilled workers.
The extent of corruption in Zimbabwe is alarming. Corruption is endemic and impacts all sectors of society. It is often a result of political, cultural, or economic reasons that have little to do with individual choice. Corruption also often results from weak or ineffective law enforcement. Corruption is less prevalent in high-income countries than in low-income ones, and the per capita income of Zimbabwe is well below the global average.
Economic situation
The Zimbabwean economy is struggling under the effect of a severe drought, falling commodity prices, and failed government policies. The president of Zimbabwe is even considering nationalizing foreign businesses, which would further isolate the country from the international community. Zimbabwe is already facing problems in basic necessities such as food, and prices of staples such as meat have been cut by 50 percent. In fact, the country had to rely on the black market for meat because stores had stopped selling it.