Inpatient rehabilitation is an essential part of recovery following surgery, serious illness or injury. We offer a comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation program, customised to your needs. Our multidisciplinary team includes a rehabilitation specialist, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech pathologists. Your progress is monitored weekly in a case conference and your goals are determined. You will be supported to achieve these goals in a safe and comfortable setting.
Located in the heart of Sydney, our customer focused Day private rehab hospital in Sydney offers intensive rehabilitation therapy for people who do not require overnight hospitalisation. The program is accessed via referral from your doctor and comprises a minimum of two allied health sessions each weekday, including clinical psychology, neuropsychology, nursing, physiotherapy and speech pathology.
The hospital is staffed by highly dedicated and experienced health professionals who have patient outcomes as their primary focus. It has a modern facility with comfortable accommodation and a large hydrotherapy pool. The staff are friendly and supportive and are able to provide individualised care and treatment.
Exploring Private Rehab Hospitals in Sydney
Jack* was in rehab for ice addiction. He lived in a bubble at South Pacific, a private treatment centre in the NSW beachside suburb of Curl Curl. He had a strict routine that included morning walks on the beach, group therapy for two and a half hours each day and intense discussion about his addiction to crystal methamphetamine (ice). Unlike other people around him, he didn’t have any friends there. He didn’t watch TV and didn’t use social media.